B&W Series
Designer inspiration, combination of dots, lines and shapes.

Artist Series
Our designs always need artists.
My Story
Ever since I began traveling since I knew how, I yearned for everything I saw. The world can be as endless as the oceans and stars; and as minimal as the raindrops and fallen leaves. The people I encountered, the roads I traveled, and the events I came across never failed to surprise and inspire! The flowers in the wild, completing their life cycles are awe inspiring; And yet, the world is fearful of time, and time is fearful of the pyramids. Every step I took on the steps of the pyramid of Khufu filled my mind with power, pharaoh and mystery; I love watching Fashion Week. Well defined muscle, incomparable strength, and the gentle flow of lines motivate my daily exercise! Everyone faces their own forest, some people are lost in it, some learn to harvest fruits, but because of love, I give my all!